XMEYE Network PTZ Camera Guide, Ptz Security camera models are called Ptz , which is an abbreviation of the words pan tilt and zoom . These camera models can move in different directions, such as up and down, or zoom in on the image with remote user intervention.
Ptz Security camera models can also be found in ip or ahd systems. In models with a rope, you can use the camera manually or program it for certain movements by directly entering the camera interface.
1. Camera Bench Test
When you take the camera out of the box, please
I test the camera indoor first before mounting outside.
Type A: With DC12V Aadapter (non-PoE)
Do NOT extend the power cable during the bench test because DC power drops quickly along the transmission. A bench test helps you rule out all problems caused by power supply. Underpower causes problems such as 1) PTZ issues 2) unstable infrared (camera reboots repeatedly) and 3) spinning dome.
Type B: With PoE Injector/SwitchIP CameraComputerRouter
PoE Standard
It is important to note that all Xmeye pan tilt zoom cameras require to be powered by PoE+/++ adapters (injector/switch) with 802.3at/bt standard. Conventional PoE standard 802.3af delivers only 15.4W per port and using those adapters would cause underpower.
Power Gauge (PD) |
PoE Standard |
Support DC12V Adapter? |
≥25W |
802.3at/bt |
Yes |
Note: 802.3at is also known as PoE+; 802.3bt is known as PoE++.
What are you testing in this stage?
Does the camera rotate when powered up?
When powered up, the speed dome automatically begins a self-diagnostic process during which the camera will pan horizontally and vertically to make sure PTZ, lens and other parts of the camera are functional. Please contact our technical staff if a self-test does not happen on your unit. Please refrain from disassembling the unit before contacting us.
Live View and Picture Quality
Check the video streaming quality.
Pan Tilt and Zoom
Check whether the camera performs the pan, tilt, zoom actions properly.
Night Vision
Shield the camera front lens, turn off the lights and draw the curtains to see if the camera is able to automatically turn to infrared night vision mode.
Connection Good
Power Good
Video and Control Good
Tested Day and Night
Qo? Ak HYPERLINK “mailto:support@sunba.net” support@sunba.netGuess we are ready to mount it outside.
XMEYE Network PTZ Camera Guide
Read More : CCTV Super Password Tools
Camera Setup by Smartphone
This section will provide the user with information on how to setup the PTZ camera using smartphone for the first time.
video tutorial
2 Click the “+” icon to add device.
NOTE: iSunba/iSunba Pro/XMEye These APPs are suitable for Sunba Lite Series cameras.
Register to select “Cloud Login” (push notification requires a cloud account to store picture alert).
The app automatically shows all Sunba devices in LAN.
Use “Search” if your camera and smartphone
areconnected to the same WiFi.
Press the camera to
watch live view.
5 Modify other settings such as
password for the camera.
Read Next : Uniview NVR Quick Start Guides
Control pan, tilt and zoom, watch live view and set/delete/call presets from this page.
Press to speak. (device must support speaker)
Turn on/off microphone.
Record a video and save the clip to your smartphone.
Take a snapshot and save the image to your smapphone.
Check playback.
PTZ control.
Switch between HD/SD display.
Set/call preset/cruise.
Camera Setup by VMS Client
This section will provide the user with information on how to setup the PTZ camera using their computer.
Step 1: Install VMS from the CD-ROM.
Input the default software account below. The account is to ensure no one can have unauthorized access to your surveillance software. This is not the credential for individual IP camera.
VMS for PC: admin/admin
VMS for Mac: admin/(blank)
Step 2: Open the Device Manager page.
Click “IPV4 Search” and select the camera, then click “add” to connect the
Try the following if no device shows up:
Temporarily disable the firewall;
Connect the camera directly to your parental router;
Connect the camera directly to your PC/Mac for testing;
Now the camera status should show “Connected”.
“Connected” status indicates the camera is online.
The camera’s default ports are ONVIF 8899, TCP 34567, HTTP 80 and RTSP 554.
Those values must also be unique to each other.
Step 3: Live View
Please go to the “Live View” page.
WiFi Application
This chapter only applies to model 405-ECO WiFi Version .
This section will provide the user with information on how to setup the WiFi connection.
video tutorialwifiset.sunbatech.com
Method A: Search and add the camera by smartphone.
After the camera is powered on and completes the self-test, you can directly search and add the camera via XMEye APP on smartphone.
Attention: Make sure the distance among the camera, phone and the router within 2m.
1 Click the “+” icon toadd device.2 Select WiFi Config3 Fill in the correct WiFi password.
******•Refers to searching for devices under thesame LAN•Make Indicator Light Blinking Slowly,Try to make sure the distance among the device,phone and the router within 2mLong time press the SET button until the indicator flash quickly(Part of products are needed to plug hole configuration by thimble)ASUS-2.4G
«]Attention: Make sure your phone is in 2.4GHz WiFi network, and 5GHz or other network is not supported.
[=1 1d8a3481****c3c9
4 Click Yes
5 Device searching
Click the
green IPC icon
6 Enter password
7 Click and start live view.
If the search fails, please refer to the following two ways to default the camera, and then refer to the above steps to search again.
Please manually press the button to default the camera as shown below
Remove the 4 screws to take off the camera back cover.
Press and hold the black button for about 8~10 seconds.
You can directly connect the camera with a PC or laptop, and default the camera via VMS/IE browser.
Method B: Enable WiFi function via VMS/IE browser.
Please refer to Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 for the steps to access the camera through the VMS/IE browser.
After adding the camera, please go to Device Config > Network > WiFi (In Internet Explorer, please go to Device Config > Netservice > WiFi)
1 Click Enable and enable DHCP.
2 Click Apply to save the settings.
3 Click Search to select a WiFi with stable and strong signal.
Fill in the correct WiFi password.
Click Apply and OK to save the settings.
Attention: After checking Enable in the first step, you must click Apply to save the settings, otherwise the WiFi signal will not be searched.
Mounting Outdoor
Wiring Type A: Power of Ethernet Solution
Wiring Type B: Non-PoE (DC12V) SolutionPlease complete bench test (see Chapter 1) before mounting the camera outdoor.
For Non-PoE Application (if you extend the power):
The camera may not work properly if the power reaches the camera is below 12V due to resistance along the extended DC line (distance dependent). If that happens, please make your AC power source near the camera, and connect it with our default adapter you received from the package.
For extension, you can select from AC power extension cable (no distance limit) or thick (≥18 AWG) DC power extension cable.
Risk Relevant
.Using 24VAC or higher voltage adapter (16V, 24V) will immediately dam
-age the camera and void the warranty.
.The camera will be exposed to high risks of motherboard damage and void the warranty if you use passive PoE injector/splitter.
Active PoE Injector/Splitter are allowed if you use PoE to power non-PoE camera.
Web Access
Step 1: Check Device IP from VMS or Device Manager tool Users can download VMS or Device Manager from the CD-ROM. Both software will display the current IP of the camera.
। You can always download the web plugin separately from Sunba website
if it takes too long to download the plugin from popped window.
Step 2: Start a web browser (Internet Explorer)
Enter the IP address of your camera in the location/host field.
If you have changed the default http port (80) of the camera, you need to enter IP: http port.
Note: Our cameras currently do not support Windows 10 Edge Explorer.You can follow the tips below to enable Internet Explorer mode in edge browser.
Step 3: Install the web plugin
Download and install the web plugin by clicking the “download” tab or by installing the WebPlugin from the CD-ROM. Please make sure the browser is CLOSED during the installation. If you are unable to download the plugin or if your software disc is damaged during transit, please visit plugin.sunba.net to download the plugin. Restart the browser/computer if the installation does not take effect in 5 mins.
Step 4: Select Language
You can change the language from the upper right corner. Changes only take effect after you successfully install the plugin, otherwise the text will show “??????” or disappear.
Step 5. Enter Username and Password
Enter username and password. The username is admin with no password by default. Please change the admin password after log in to protect your privacy by referring to Chapter 14.
Step 6. Select Stream
Go to <stream menu> and connect with either main stream (clear, better quality, higher network requirements) or extra stream (fluent, lower network requirements).
Tips: Steps to Enable Internet Explorer Mode in Edge Browser on
Windows 10
pen Edge Browser and click … , then click Settings
elect Default browser and then select according to the following figure:
SettingsDefault browser
@ Profiles
Internet Explorer compatibilityNeverAllowP^^^J~| I Restart
earch for Internet Explorer in Program Files
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Assign a static IP
Step 1: Enter Device Config Page of Internet Explorer or VMS, and select the Network tab.
Step 2: Unselect the DHCP option.
Step 3: Change the camera IP and click “Apply” to save the changes. Power cycle the unit to activate the new setting.
Access by 3rd Party Software
This chapter introduces how to add the camera to a selected few popular 3rd party software.
Blue Iris (in Windows)CamerasApply Preferences ]
Setup Masks Audio Continuous Capture Motion Capture Actions |Groups Schedules Compression Email UploadsoWebFill in the boxes with corresponding network info of your camera. By default, the ONVIF port is 8899 and RTSP port is 554.Make sure the encode is set to H.264.Security Spy (in Mac)
Other third party IP camera management tools
There are many other IP camera management tools you can use. Above we attached the setting from the most popular software in Windows and Mac. Some software/NVR requires manually adding the camera with the camera’s ONVIF protocol and the ONVIF port 8899.
Note : In 3rd party software/NVR, due to the level of customization for ONVIF by diffrent surveillance manufacturers, only ptz, video and recording may work depending on specific ONVIF version.
Remote Access
Tips: il ‘
Go to Sunba website FAQ page and type keyword “mobile”to gain the setup page for popular smartphone app such as XMEye, TinyCam Pro, IP Cam Viewer. |
Type 1: Sunba Cloud (P2P)
P2P cloud technology enables customers to remotely access, control and configure their cameras through internet even if you are thousands miles away.
Warning: P2P function may not work if you modify the default media port (34567) of the camera or the DNS of your camera is not on the same subnet as your router. Your NAT status by DeviceConfig->Version needs to be “connected” before you are able to access your camera through P2P.
Find Your Sunba Cloud ID:
Note P2P Code = Cloud ID = Serial Number
Enter the Cloud ID in Sunba Cloud Platform for remote access:
Internet Explorer:
Please go to xmeye.net and use “Device Login”. Enter the cloud ID of the camera and associated username and password.
VMSxmeye.net (Internet Explorer)
By User By Device
Type 2: Port Forwarding
o Please refer to portforward.sunba.net for more instructions.
Please forward BOTH http port (80 by default) and TCP (media) port (34567 by default) and refer to the manual of your router for detailed steps of port forward in order to remotely access using a WAN IP. Other apps such as Tiny Cam or IP Cam Viewer may require you to forward ONVIF and RTSP port as well.
Disclaimer: Though it is a popular method, Sunba does not recommend setting up port forwarding as it opens all ports to the public network and increases chances of information leak.
Type 3: RTSP
Please use the following URL along with any 3rd RTSP service provider: “rtsp://IP:554/user=admin&password=&channel=1&stream=0.sdp?real_ stream” where 0 = mainstream and 1 = substream
For example with the default network setting:
rtsp:// sdp?real_stream
Type 4: VPN (Virtual Private Network)
This is recommended for customers who have static IP address and advanced router functions.
First, your router MUST support VPN. Then please refer to the corresponding manual of your router to establish a VPN for the local network where the camera is connected to. For example, the VPN was setup for the router at your home where the camera is installed. Please remember the username and password of the VPN. Then, at any remote location, you can always setup a new network using VPN to remotely access your camera at home.
Presets, Patrol and Pattern
PresetI1_1» 1+1-1I IIIPreset Call Save DeleteNumber Preset Preset PresetNote: For other software please refer to the manual of the third party software.
Enter the number and hit “+” to set/add/save a Enter the number and hit “-” to delete a preset. Enter the number and hit “ ” to call a preset.
PTZ Preset Position
Sunba dome cameras can set preset PTZ positions for which cameras can memorize and travel directly by calling the preset. Preset positions are represented by numbers. You need to “add” a preset and then “call” it.
You can always “delete” them later.
Special Presets3Check Special Preset via specialpreset.sunba.net
Special presets are preset numbers associated with advanced commands that cameras can follow to modify/enable settings such as changing infrar- -ed mode, setting up camera auto scan boundaries etc. You can call the preset directly (no need to “add” a preset as they are pre-existed) accord-ing to The Full Preset List.
The PTZ camera can travel from one preset to another by order. A patrol is usually named as a tour or a cruise. The total presets included in a patr- -ol can be up to 10. To activate a patrol, first you will need to save corresponding presets you want to tour across. For example, preset 1-10 can be called by using special preset 88 (see The Full Preset List).
Different from patrol, which enables the camera to travel between different points, patterns are continuous sets of movement that Sunba cameras can perform in a record and replay fashion. Note: Patterns will not be activated unless Motion Detection and Video Blind are disabled.
When using 84 + Add Preset to set a pattern scan, you must use direction & zoom key to set the actions and click Iris+ key to end the pattern setup, prompt as follows:
The Full Preset List
Special Preset |
Function |
OSD Display |
0~50 Preset |
Conventional Position Preset |
XXX + Add Preset |
Set preset XXX. |
Call preset XXX. |
81 + CALL |
Reset the PT position |
47 or 81 + Add Preset |
Set the left boundary of frame scan |
48 or 82 + Add Preset |
Set the right boundary of frame scan |
82 + CALL |
Start frame scan ( auto scan from left side to the right side) |
83 + CALL |
Clear all preset |
84 + Add Preset |
Set pattern followed by different action inputs; confirm by clicking “IRIS+” button |
84 + CALL |
Start pattern |
88 + CALL |
Patrol from 1 to 10 preset |
89 + CALL |
Patrol from 11 to 20 preset |
90 + CALL |
Patrol from 21 to 30 preset |
91 + CALL |
Patrol from 31 to 40 preset |
92 + CALL |
Default |
93 + CALL |
Display preset information |
94 + CALL |
Hide preset information |
98 + CALL |
360° continuous scan |
360 |
100 + CALL |
Manually turn IR on (half side on) |
101+ CALL |
Manually turn IR off |
102+ CALL |
Set the IR mode to auto (default) |
103 + CALL |
Manually turn IR on (all side on) |
120 |
Display current bright level |
97 + 131 + CALL |
IR on sensitivity 190 |
IR ON 190 |
97 + 132 + CALL |
IR on sensitivity 200 |
IR ON 200 |
97 + 133 + CALL |
IR on sensitivity 210 |
IR ON 210 |
97 + 134 + CALL |
IR on sensitivity 220 |
IR ON 220 |
97 + 135 + CALL |
IR on sensitivity 230 |
IR ON 230 |
97 + 136 + CALL |
IR on sensitivity 165 |
IR OFF 165 |
97 + 137 + CALL |
IR on sensitivity 175 |
IR OFF 175 |
97 + 138 + CALL |
IR on sensitivity 185 |
IR OFF 185 |
97 + 139+ CALL |
IR on sensitivity 195 |
IR OFF 195 |
97 + 140 + CALL |
IR on sensitivity 205 |
IR OFF 205 |
97 + 180 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to None |
97 + 181 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to360° continuous scann |
PA 360 |
97 + 182 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to frame scan ( auto scan from left side to the right side) |
97 + 183 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to preset 1 |
97 + 184 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to preset 8 |
97 + 185 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to patrol 1 |
97 + 186 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to patrol 2 |
97 + 187 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to patrol 3 |
97 + 188 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to patrol 4 |
97 + 189 + CALL |
Set the Park Action to pattern |
97 + 160 + CALL; |
Set the Park Action Start Time to 15s; |
97 + 161 + CALL; |
Set the Park Action Start Time to 16s; |
97 + 169 + CALL |
Set the Park Action Start Time to 24s; |
97 + 170 + CALL; |
Set the Park Action Start Time to 30s; |
97 + 171 + CALL; |
Set the Park Action Start Time to 35s; |
97 + 179 + CALL |
(5 second added per preset increment) Set the Park Action Start Time to 75s; |
97 + 200 + CALL; |
Set the Patrol Dwell Time to 10s; |
97 + 201 + CALL; |
Set the Patrol Dwell Time to 15s; |
97 + 215 + CALL |
(5 second added per preset increment) Set the Patrol Dwell Time to 85s; |
97 + 225 + CALL; |
Set the Frame Scan Speed to 6; |
97 + 226 + CALL; |
Set the Frame Scan Speed to 11; |
97 + 229 + CALL |
(5 speed added per preset increment) Set the Frame Scan Speed to 26; |
Camera OSD Menu
507-D20X 4K.The On-Screen-Display menu is not available on models 405-ECO WiFi and
Move the cursor up/value increase.
Go to previous menu. <——► Enter/Confirm/Select.
Move the cursor down/value decrease.How to activate and control the OSD?
Preset +I 95 E^Call to activate the OSD Menu.
Please call preset 95 to open the OSD menu. Use the up and down key to browse and move the cursor, left key to go back to the previous menu, right key to select and confirm.
>Check OSDlanguage.sunba.net to learn how to switch the dis-play language of the OSD main menu from Mandarin to English.
A.AUTO: Turn on/off IR LED automatically according to darkness of ambient environment. If the value of the CURRENT LEVEL (darkness) is ≥ the IR ON SENS, then the LED will be turned on automatically, vice versa. Larger CURRENT LEVEL is equivalent to darker environment. AUTO MODE is selected by default.
B.MANUAL: Turn on and off the IR LED manually. This can be accomplished using special presets 100~103 as well. Please check specialpreset.sunba.net
The adjustable darkness threshold to turn on the IR LED, default is 210.
The adjustable darkness threshold to turn off the IR LED, default is 185.
How the IR LED works: I
The difference between the LED ON and LED OFF values must be at least
30 to avoid problems of IR LED blinking. Like vehicle lights, only half side of IR will be on for near view (low beam), please zoom in to enable the further view (high beam), which is the other side of the IR. Use preset 103+call to manually
I turn on both sides together.
This option has the same function as 84 + Add PRESET. To set up a pattern, you must use direction & zoom key to add actions and Iris+ key to end the setting. Each pattern scan can memorize no more than 31 actions.
Note: If you open the video motion & video blind function the pattern scan
IRIS OPEN EXITwill be disabled .
This option is also called the watch function or the defend function of a PTZ camera. The dome will automatically execute a corresponding preset action after a settled idle time (25 seconds is default) if no additional commands are sent from users.
The waiting time (or idle time) before the camera executes its PARK ACTION (see above). The default is 25 seconds.
Set the right and left position of frame scan. Submenu as follows:
This function enables the auto scan of the camera between a set left and right boundary. It can be set using PRESET 81+Add & PRESET 82+Add as well. When setting up the frame scan, direction keys are used to set the position of the boundary. Thus, please click the Iris+ key to confirm your setting.
It controls the speed when the dome does the 360° scan or frame scan. (For model 507-D20X 4K only 355°)
It represents the residence time the dome stops at each preset during the patrol/auto scan.
Camera Configuration
HDD Info:
The information of the storage device (TF card).
Access the events, alarm and activity record of camera.
Check the serial number of the camera, and the build date of the firmware.
Restart the camera.
Upgrade the firmware of the camera. You need to download the upgrade the file (“bin” format) first.
Image Storage: Take timed snapshot and store it to Email, FTP or TF Card (if supported).
Set camera recording plan and mode. The “manual” and “stop” selection allows you to manually turn on and off, and the “timing” allows you to set the schedule where recording takes place.
Video Motion:
Enable motion detection alert formats (buzzer, email, recording, snapshot & FTP etc), region, and sensitivity. Set motion detection video recording time.
Video Blind:
Set an alarm when the vision of the camera is covered (usually by house breakers using clothes).
Video Loss:
Set an alarm when a video loss happens.
Alarm Input:
External connection linkage alarms such as infrared sensor etc (not built-in by camera, need additional support in qualified NVR).
Alarm Output:
Alarm output can be an external lights, siren, etc. (not built-in by camera, need additional support in qualified NVR).
Set an alarm for special events such as storage device access failure or IP conflict with other devices.
How to Access the Device Config:
For IE: Click “DeviceCfg”
For VMS: Choose Device Config
(PS: You must add the camera via Sunba protocol, not ONVIF)
Change system language and date.
Change resolution, bit rate and other factors that affect video quality and connectivity. Enable/Disable audio.
Configure the camera’s IP address, gateway, DNS etc.
Configure NTP, email alert, WiFi and other services.
GUI Display:
Customize camera name, time title and other display setting.
Camera Parameter:
Configure camera parameter such as exposure level, wide dynamic range, shutter speed, image direction (flip, mirror) etc.
HDD Manage:
Manage the storage device (TF card).
Account: Add, delete and change account info (username/password) and their authority level.
Set the automatic reboot plan and empty the cache of the camera.
Set the current camera configuration info to the default.
Import/Export the configuration and log of the camera.
Account Management
Warning: Camera accounts are NOT the same as VMS software account.
When you open VMS, a prompt will ask you to enter password for accessing the VMS program. This account is set to prevent unauthorized use of the VMS software on your desktop.
Account for VMS Software NOT for Camera
VMS:Device Config->Tool Manager->User Manager
CMS/IE:Device Config-> AccountCamera accounts can only be managed by its native clients. Third party software will not be able to modify any accounts information as it doesn’t have access to the camera’s private protocol.
Group and User Permission:
You can set a group that shares the same level of permission for camera control and view. For example, you can set several users to a “guest” group that has limited control over the camera.
Allow Multiple Access :
Please remember to check the “sharable” or “reusable” option when adding a user if you wish to have the same user account accessed by multiple people.
To protect your account safety, please always
remember to modify your default password!
Motion Detection
Human Detection: Human-shape detection will filter out other motion objects and have the camera only trigger motion alarms when human-shapes are detected.
Buzzer: Must have a siren connected with the alarm interface of the NVR to enable this option.
Send Email: Enable this and enter your email information via Device Config->NetService (Network in VMS). You can also enable the snapshot option to activate email alert with snapshots.
Write Log: A log will be popped on the screen every time an alert is received.
FTP: See Chapter 17.
Phone Report: Enable this option, register an account in the XMEye app of your smartphone (or via xmeye.net) and activate push notification to receive text alerts.
Face Capture
FTP Communication
You can upload motion detection snapshots and videos to your FTP.
Step 1: Please remember to check the “Detect” option in the Snapshot Config or Record Config under Device Config.
Step 2: VMS: Device Config-> Network->FTP
CMS/Browsers: Device Config->NetService->FTP